Multiethnic polygenic risk score model for prostate cancer risk

Categories: Summer/Fall 2022
Mountains Warren Lawson
The best view comes from the hardest climb.              –Unknown
© Warren Lawson

Polygenic risk scores (PRS) of common genetic variants have shown promise in prostate cancer
risk stratification, but their validity across different ethnic populations has yet to be confirmed.
These researchers evaluated a multiethnic polygenic risk score model based on 269 germline
genetic risk variants; (261 were available for analysis) using an independent population of

13,628 US men and found that the polygenic risk score was strongly associated with prostate

Comparing men in the top 10% of the polygenic risk score to those at average risk (40%-60%),
the odds ratio of prostate cancer was 3.89 for White men of European ancestry and 3.81 for
Black men of African ancestry. By age 85, the cumulative incidence of prostate cancer for the
White men was 7.1% in the bottom 10% of the Polygenic risk score and 54.1% in the top
10%. This suggests that the polygenic risk score can be used to identify a substantial
proportion of men at high risk for prostate cancer (on, search on
“polygenic risk score” for more information).
Plym, A et al, JNCI : Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2021-04-01

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