New treatment for erectile dysfunction
A new treatment called low- intensity shockwave therapy is being promoted for erectile

dysfunction in the US. This therapy, similar to that used for kidney stones, is not approved by the FDA for this use. The usual treatments for erectile dysfunction include pills, devices, injections, or surgery, but shockwave therapy is suggested only in a clinical trial setting.
The therapy, performed by a urologist, does not need anesthesia. It involves low-intensity shockwaves to stimulate blood flow and angiogenesis (the process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels). Sessions, lasting 15 minutes, are done once or twice a week for at least six sessions. Each session costs around $400-$500 and is not covered by most insurance plans.
Studies show some improvement in erectile function with shockwave therapy. One analysis found a significant increase in scores one month after treatment compared to sham treatment. Another analysis showed higher scores in men who received shockwave therapy, with improvements lasting up to six months.
Although most studies report no adverse effects, some patients may experience pain, redness, bruising, or blood in the urine. Long-term effects like scarring or changes in blood flow are uncertain. In conclusion, shockwave therapy seems somewhat effective and safe in the short term for those who can’t use oral medications, but more research is needed to determine long-term safety and effectiveness.
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics. Volume 65, Issue Number 1690. November 27, 2023, pages 190-191.