Prostate Cancer Survivor Who Is “Better Than Cured”

Categories: Winter 2004

dMore mTiceAt 44 years old, Danny More was a successful agent for coaches and mangers in professional and college football.

At 44 years old, Danny More was also a prostate cancer patient.

Now, at 49, More is still a successful agent and, according to him, “a better than cured prostate cancer survivor.”

Hearing that he had prostate cancer, especially at his age, was a shock.

Once More admitted to himself that he needed the RRP, he focused his research on finding out about the operation and finding the best surgeon.

“Once I got over the paralysis of being told I had prostate cancer, I knew I had to be my own advocate. My father, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 72, did whatever he was told to do, and he has had quality of life issues from his treatment. I didn’t want that to happen to me.”

More knows that every patient isn’t going to have Dr. Catalona as his surgeon, but, for him, Dr. Catalona represents the blueprint for what every doctor should do and be.

“First off, he didn’t tell me what concerns I should have. Instead, he asked me what my biggest fears were, and he addressed them,” More said.

“Other than being afraid of not waking up after surgery – Dr. Catalona quickly alleviated that one by telling me he had never lost a patient on the table – I was most concerned about bladder control.

“He reassured me that he should be able to make everything work right during surgery, but I should know that things could be fixed after surgery too.

But Dr. Catalona made sure that More thought about other issues, too, especially ones related to his age.

Because More had no children, Dr. Catalona convinced him to save his sperm before the operation.

More valued being listened to but also valued having information available so he could understand what was happening at all the stages of pre and post surgery.

“Dr. Catalona gave me a complete packet of preparations and instructions; his pre-op conversation was thorough, thoughtful and reassuring; he addressed all my concerns. He made his surgery record available and provided me with a list of past patients with whom I could talk.

“I was part of the plan.”

More’s greatest fear was that his lifestyle would be over.

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More ran 40-50 miles a week, played a lot of golf and a lot of tennis.

And running his business meant traveling, meeting his National Football League and top college clients across the US, and keeping in shape.

“Doctors were concerned about potency, but honestly, the last thing I was thinking about was sex. I was wondering how I could go from plane to plane and meeting to meeting if I couldn’t control my bladder.”

He learned that with a good and experienced surgeon, incontinence is not such a big worry for a middle-aged man. After three months, his control returned.

More was not in a relationship before his operation, and he had never married. A year and a half later, he met Cathy, now his fiancé.

“I didn’t know if the parts were going to work or work satisfactorily for her,” More said.

A short time after he met Cathy, he told Dr. Catalona that he met someone special.

“Try Viagra, Dr. Catalona told me. Now, I’m pleased to say, the parts are working. And besides planning the wedding, Cathy and I are beginning to talk about using my saved sperm to have a baby.”

Yes, More worries about recurrence and makes sure he gets his follow-ups on schedule. But otherwise, he has the life he wants.

He knows what’s meaningful.

He found the love of his life. He still runs, plays golf and tennis.

He doesn’t wear cancer survivor on his sleeve, but when someone tries to upset him, he says to himself, “This guy doesn’t know what’s important in life.”

More has the same energy and enthusiasm for his work that he had five years ago, and because of the care and concern his clients showed him, many of his professional relationships are now strong personal ones too.

Dr. Catalona defines “cured” as a man who is the same after the treatment as he was before.

More says if he uses Dr. Catalona’s definition, he is “better than cured.”

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