Receipt of novel hormonal therapy varies by race

Categories: Spring 2024

IMG 4853 P8A recent study reported differences in the use of novel hormonal therapy (NHT) among Medicare beneficiaries with advanced prostate cancer (PC) based on their race.

Researchers studied how NHT was used among men diagnosed with advanced PC between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2017. The study included 3,748 men, with 8 percent Black, 7 percent Hispanic, 78 percent White, and 7 percent from other racial and ethnic groups.

The researchers discovered that 36 percent of the patients received NHT at least once. White patients had the highest rate of NHT use over two years, followed by Hispanic patients, those from other racial and ethnic backgrounds, and finally, Black patients (27 percent, 25 percent, 23 percent, and 20 percent, respectively). Black patients consistently had lower NHT use compared to White patients, even after five years (37 percent versus 44 percent). However, there were no significant differences in NHT use between White and Hispanic patients or those from other racial and ethnic backgrounds. Even in patients with distant metastatic (M1) disease, Black patients had lower NHT use rates compared to others (e.g., 51 percent versus 55 percent after five years). Black patients were also less likely to start NHT even after adjusting for various factors.

The authors of the study suggest that further research is necessary to understand the reasons behind these differences and to address them for fairer healthcare.

JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(12):e2345906. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.45906.

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