The impact of social determinants of health on prostate cancer outcomes: addressing racial disparities and improving health equity

Categories: Summer/Fall 2023
P3B Dan Aspen leaf
© Dan Oldfield

The living, learning, working, and playing conditions that affect a person’s health and quality of life are known as social determinants of health (SDOH). The study highlights the need to address racial disparities in healthcare and the importance of understanding the interaction between race and SDOH. There is evidence that SDOH has a significant impact on prostate cancer outcomes. Black men have annincreased risk of dying from prostate cancer compared to White men in studies with minimal accounting for SDOH. In contrast, studies that accounted for SDOH variables found that death from prostate cancer is actually lower in Black compared to White men, suggesting that SDOH plays a crucial role in prostate cancer outcomes and that considering SDOH may help create strategies for improving health equity.

Vince et al. JAMA Network Open 2023; 6(1)




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