Warm Wishes from Dr. Catalona:
As we enter the end-of-year holiday season, I think of the many people with cancer and their families I encounter in my daily activities. I am happy to report that increasingly more patients are having their lives extended and their suffering diminished through new tests and treatments coming from biomedical research. Cancer has reached into the lives of most of us, either personally or into the lives of our loved ones. The signs are hopeful overall. My area of interest is prostate cancer, but advancements in the management of any cancer provide new insights that move the needle in the battle against cancer we are all fighting.
I am very grateful for the many private donations I have received through the Urological Research Foundation that have supportedmy research program over the years. Lewis Carroll wrote, “One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is whatwe do for others.”You have done much for others by making these donations to the Urological Research Foundation that strengthen our quest for better care of patients with cancer.
I send you my sincere warm wishes for a joy-filled holiday season and a happy, healthy new year.
William J. Catalona, MD