QUEST informs readers of the latest advances in urologic prostate cancer research, especially detection, prevention, and treatment.

PIN and Prostate Cancer: New Studies Show Less Risk

PIN (prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia), a microscopic finding reported in 5% to 10% of prostate biopsies, has been regarded as a red flag suggesting the possible presence of cancer. However, in recent years, some research groups have found that men who…

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PSA Screening: It’s A Must

Prostate cancer has no known means of prevention and no known cure for advanced-stage disease; therefore, the only method for reducing the mortality and morbidity from prostate cancer is to detect it early and treat it effectively. Screening with prostate-specific…

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Pro-PSA: Possibly a Better Marker for Prostate Cancer

PSA testing has revolutionized the early diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. Increasing evidence shows that PSA testing is also responsible for the decreasing prostate cancer death rates occurring in the US and other countries. In the US alone, since…

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twin brothers

Looking for Prostate Cancer Genes

Update: Prostate Cancer Research The Urological Research Foundation supports Dr. Catalona’s collaborations in prostate cancer research with scientists across the country. Also, the URF initiates and participates in studies on the genetics of prostate cancer. The specimens and data of…

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Reports from Dr. Catalona’s Follow-up Studies

Comparing Treatments Radical prostatectomy provides a higher 7-year PSA progression-free rate than other treatments for localized prostate cancer. A member of Dr. Catalona’s research team in St. Louis, Julie Krygiel, reported preliminary results at the American Urological Association (AUA) on…

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Recent Prostate Cancer Studies

At a conference focused on prostate cancer treatments and cures, Dr. Catalona presented findings on recent prostate cancer studies. The following are summaries of those presentations: Age Has Impact on Continence After RRP Dr. Catalona completed a study to look…

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Dr. Catalona Discusses Nerve-Sparing Surgery

Defining a nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy is easy: During the surgical removal of the prostate gland, an attempt is made to spare the two cavernous nerve sheaths (lying slightly underneath and to the sides of the gland) that produce erections. Completing…

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PSA Study: Medical Specifications of Prostate Cancer

This article discusses medical specifications of prostate cancer: clinical stage, PSA reading, DRE findings, number and percentage of cancer in biopsy cores, and Gleason score. It answers the questions: What do I do with these terms of the specification of…

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